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GO KOCHI 2016, GID, Royal College of Art

GO KOCHI Program (March 11th, 2016 - March 23rd, 2016, 13 days) of GID (Global Innovation Design) program, RCA (Royal College of Art) is in its third year, and after the deep dive into the local cultures such as cypress tree cutting and abandoned house renovation onsite visiting (Tosayama Academy), fishery town local culture learning and homestay(Kuroshiocho), meeting with lifestyle immigrants and stay at a farmer's guesthouse (Yusuharacho), Washi paper workshop (Kamikoya), knife workshop (Toyokuni), among many other exciting experiences, a 3-day workshop was condulced in collaboration with KUT (Kochi University of Technology) at their campus in Kochi City. We worked on the same theme as last year which is: How can Kochi’s traditional craft skills and resources be harnessed to promote lifestyle migration and make Kochi attract more long term residents?



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